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Nurse Lovette Page 3

  “All these years, I’ve dreaded going to the doctor. I’ve feared my reactions because I knew it was taboo to have sexual feelings when that isn’t what’s intended at all. I fear losing control, of experiencing orgasm and embarrassing myself. And with my…nurse…it’s okay for me to indulge those needs.”

  “You know, Avery, your fetish is fairly common.”

  She shrugged. In truth, she’d seen the vast number of people who subscribed to the website she’d joined. Those numbers and the plethora of websites devoted to the fetish alone had eased her in the fact that she wasn’t isolated in her desires.

  Milburn nodded. “And how did you feel about being with a woman?”

  Avery’s insides seized tight. She had ached to kiss Darby, to return the pleasure the other woman had given. Part of Avery wondered if she didn’t feel a different level of attraction to Nurse Lovette.

  “She’s pretty,” Avery admitted.

  “But how did it make you feel?”

  “Accepted. Safe. Intrigued.”

  “Intrigued?” he asked.

  “Yes. It made me want to explore a relationship with a woman.”

  He crossed his legs. “And have you ever thought about that before?”

  “No. My reaction surprised me. I don’t know if it was the fact that I…came so easily or that I felt something with her I’d never felt with a man,” Avery responded honestly.

  “I think you’ve had more of a breakthrough than you know,” he said. “As long as you feel safe, I think you should explore this side of you.”

  * * * * *

  The following morning, Avery climbed onto the table with renewed excitement. Her paper gown rustled as she settled herself. The air conditioning hummed, cooling her heated skin, soothing her, readying her for what was to come.

  Already her pulse beat hard in her chest, thickening and warming her blood. Her clit throbbed and her rim tingled in anticipation of the special thermometer invading her again.

  A rush of liquid gathered in her vagina when the door opened and Darby entered with professional detachment.

  “Good morning, Miss Walker,” she said cheerfully. “Why don’t you go ahead and get up on your knees with your bottom raised and your head down.”

  Avery’s mouth went dry. “On my…knees?”

  Darby nodded as she donned a pair of latex gloves. “I need to take your temperature.” She stepped forward and pulled away the paper drape across Avery’s lap. “You won’t need that for now.”

  Avery could scarcely swallow as she twisted up and onto her knees. Blood rushed to her head and pounded in her ears as Nurse Lovette set the drape aside and pulled open a drawer. Again, the sounds and clean scents of alcohol and sterile instruments washed over Avery like a warm wave. Cool air blew over her nude flesh, making her painfully aware of her exposed position and lack of control. She almost moaned when a cool nozzle breached her anus and thick lubricant squirted inside.

  “Does that feel good?” Darby asked.


  A finger intruded and Avery sucked in a breath at the sudden invasion. The digit wriggled, awakening hidden nerve-endings, arousing her to the point of insanity.

  “I’m just checking to be certain you’re clean in there and that we don’t need to use a rectal douche.”

  Avery bit her lip. Rectal douche? She debated whether to ask for one. But before she could say anything, the finger in her bottom withdrew and the tip of the thermometer pressed against her rosette. The tight flesh gave and admitted the instrument and Avery sighed as the slick, cool object slid slowly inside her hole. Inch by tormenting inch, it filled her, delving deep until the nurse’s gloved hand pressed against the curve of her bottom.

  Her pussy pulsed as she remained still, simply feeling and experiencing. A thousand thoughts at once ran wild in her head. She imagined how she must look with her naked ass raised and with the thermometer jutting from her hole.

  Nurse Lovette twisted the device, sending a new flash of sensation racing around Avery’s inner muscles. She spread her legs. Just a fraction wider. And when she did, a gloved finger prodded her pussy opening and slipped inside her channel.

  This time, she did moan.

  “Tell me what you need,” Nurse Lovette said.

  Tears squeezed out of the corners of Avery’s eyes. The intensity and speed of how quickly her desire built overwhelmed her. “I need to come.”

  She dug her nails into the padding on the sides of the table as the nurse pushed the device in and out with one hand, and worked a finger from the other in and out of her pussy. A vortex of pleasure swirled like a twister inside Avery, rendering her into a mass of quivering flesh suspended on the edge of ecstasy.

  Every coherent thought evaporated until only physical sensation existed. Her ass pulsed around the intruding thermometer. Her channel squeezed first one finger then two.

  Hard tremors vibrated her body and there was no holding back. A harsh cry tore from her throat as a violent rush of sensation roared through her. She lingered on the relentless waves, floating, giving herself over to this experience, to this twisted lust, with complete abandon.

  Moments later, the lubricant was wiped from her bottom and she was gently guided to her back. Eyes still closed, Avery swam in the lull of pleasure ebbing through her as Nurse Lovette lifted her feet into the stirrups.

  “Slide your bottom down.”

  Avery scooted. Her channel still spasmed as her knees fell open. Without the benefit of the drape over her legs, she knew she must look indecently exposed.

  “Open the paper shirt,” Nurse Lovette told her as if she could read Avery’s mind.

  Avery revealed her breasts. Her nipples pebbled at the rush of cool air whispering over them. Her gaze locked with Nurse Lovette’s but only for an instant. The woman maintained her dispassionate gaze as she turned her attention to the drawer below Avery’s sprawled legs.

  “Have you ever had a vaginal ultrasound before?” she asked. Nurse Lovette produced a thick, white probe as large as a man’s penis.

  A warm shiver shook Avery’s shoulders at the thought of that big, slick shaft penetrating her. “No.”

  “Just relax,” the nurse said as she positioned the probe and then slid it inside.

  Avery couldn’t resist the urge to pinch her own nipples as the instrument invaded her pussy. Thick and hard, it stretched her to exquisite perfection. Just knowing it was an object rather than a human cock set her on fire. It felt so good. So smooth. The taboo nature of her need and desire to feel such an object inside her faded, until there was only this wonderful sensation of something incomparable being done to her. For her own good. Blood pumped hard and fast through her veins.

  The top half of the table, tilted up slightly, lifted her head at an angle that allowed her to see everything Nurse Lovette was doing. Darby made slow, deep thrusts that caused Avery to quake when the probe delved all the way inside. Harsh breaths escaped her lungs. She wanted to buck her hips, to beg Darby to fuck her with the instrument.

  Avery bit her bottom lip to stifle the request threatening to spill out. Eat me. Taste my pussy.

  All her life, she’d run from intimacy. Even with her husbands, she’d resented their needs, their masculine scents, the rough feel of their stubble and chest hairs raking her face and breasts when they moved over her. The stunning realization floored her.

  She gulped, staring at the beautiful blonde intent on what she was doing. Admiration glistened in the woman’s eyes as she gazed at Avery’s pussy.

  Avery had never been looked at like that before. With reverence. With understanding. “T-taste me,” she said, her voice but a hoarse whisper.

  Darby’s eyes met hers and then, slowly and deliberately, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Avery’s clit.

  Avery’s head fell back on the paper-covered table. Her thighs fell open even wider as the soft lips plied her swollen flesh. She ached to return the caresses, the kisses, wanting desperately to feel Darby’s silk
y, naked body in her arms.

  Still slowly thrusting the probe, Darby sucked at Avery’s clit and tickled it with the tip of her tongue. Avery wondered how it would feel to kiss her lover, to have that tongue exploring the inside of her mouth the way it teased over her pussy right now.

  Would she taste herself on Nurse Lovette’s lips? The urge to reach down and caress Darby’s hair proved too much and before she’d realized what she’d done, Avery had her fingers buried in the blonde tresses.

  A moan escaped Darby’s lips, the vibration of it sending shockwaves through Avery’s body. The probe disappeared and clattered into a drawer. Avery cried out when Darby’s soft hands pressed her thighs open wide. Both hands held Darby’s head as the already passion-charged moment transformed into something else—something magical. This was no longer a sterile appointment. This was raw sex and Avery wanted it. She wanted to be touched and kissed and caressed by this beautiful woman and in return, Avery wanted to taste and kiss her lover’s every hollow and crevice.

  The desire to be truly intimate with another shocked her in its intensity. She’d always kept the men in her life at arm’s length. This sensation was new and…devastating. For the first time, Avery sensed her own vulnerability.

  She could fall in love with Darby.

  Darby could break her heart.

  Avery watched through hooded lids as the pink tongue traced through her folds, as glossed lips parted to immediately close on her swollen clitoris. Fingers found their way inside her channel. One… Two…

  Avery trembled as the digits fueled the smoldering burn raging through her body. The sensations overwhelmed her. The flicking tongue and the thrusting fingers propelled her toward something unknown and wonderful. Darby’s impassioned breaths fanning the sensitive skin of her inner thighs ignited her.

  “Oh God!” She heard her ragged cry echo off the walls.

  Those soft, sweet lips suckled at her again, drawing her awareness down, down. Avery spun as if she were trapped in a vortex from which she couldn’t escape. Rapture crested and then burst like fireworks, shooting higher and higher before detonating and floating weightlessly back down to earth.

  When Avery finally opened her eyes, Darby stood, washing her hands in the sink, her back turned. Thoroughly and physically sated, Avery trembled as she removed her feet from the stirrups and then eased off the table. Determination of a different kind fueled her. After shirking the paper shirt, she padded barefoot across the floor and lightly brushed her hand on Darby’s back.

  A breath caught audibly in Darby’s throat. She tensed.

  Feeling bolder than she’d ever been in her life, Avery coaxed Darby to turn. Their gazes met and Avery detected uncertainty, guilt. Desire.

  She brushed her thumb across Darby’s ivory cheek. “I want to kiss you,” Avery uttered before she slipped her hand behind Darby’s slender neck and drew her close.

  Avery’s lashes fluttered shut as her lips brushed her lover’s. So soft. A hint of bubblegum gloss and…pussy. Avery voiced a moan and increased her pressure, plying Darby’s lips with hers, teasing her tongue across the supple flesh until Darby’s mouth opened to admit it.

  Triumph rose as Darby’s arms encircled Avery’s body. Hands roamed across the nude flesh of her back, down and back up again, pulling, drawing. Avery tilted her head to the side to intensify their kiss, opening her mouth wide, sliding her tongue over her lover’s to taste and probe.

  She cupped her lover’s breast and squeezed, feeling the nipple pebble even through the light padding of her bra. She let her hand roam lower, to cup Darby’s heat through her pink scrubs. Warning bells reminded Avery she was intimately touching a woman. She’d never done this to another female but it felt curiously very right and natural.

  She pulled the drawstring at the top of the scrubs and plunged her hand inside, under the waistband of Darby’s panties and then lower, across her down-covered flesh to her steamy folds.

  Darby whimpered as Avery discovered her clit and began to rub. Around and around, harder. Yes. Just there. The whimpers rose in pitch, filling Avery’s mouth as she continued to kiss her lover. Trembling fingers dug desperately into her back. Darby’s hips rocked forward and she pressed her pussy closer to the hand kneading the damp flesh.

  Finally, Darby tore her mouth away, let her head fall back and let out a low, howling moan. Avery watched her nurse, thinking she’d never seen or felt a more beautiful thing in her life. “Come for me,” she coaxed as the spasms continued to rack Darby’s petite body. “Come.”

  But as soon as it was over, Darby removed Avery’s hand, refusing to look her in the eye as she tied the string at the top of her scrubs once more. “I…I shouldn’t have…”

  “But I wanted—”

  Darby cut her off. “It wasn’t what we agreed. I overstepped my boundaries.”

  “No—” Avery began.

  Darby opened the door. “You may dress now. If you wish to make another appointment, stop at the front desk.”

  And with that, she was gone, leaving Avery a quivering mass of confusion.

  Avery’s gaze fell to the floor and she realized she stood in the middle of the room completely naked. Common sense railed at her to regret what she’d just done but she couldn’t. She lifted her fingers and sniffed, breathing in the sultry fragrance of Darby’s pussy.

  Still quaking, she dressed, collected her purse and went to the desk. Determination snaked through her. She needed to know what was happening.

  What could happen…

  Taking a deep breath, she looked at Darby. “I’ve never done anything like that before,” Avery told her.

  Darby refused to make eye contact. “I signed a contract with you and I feel obliged to stick to it.”

  “Darby, what I’m trying to say is that I’m…I think I’m interested in…in seeing you.”

  Pain flashed in the nurse’s eyes. Her lips trembled and she tapped the desk with the tip of her ink pen.

  “No one has ever made me feel like you do,” Avery confessed, risking everything.

  Darby ignored the declaration. “Do you want to make another appointment?”

  “Definitely,” Avery blurted.

  “I’m on the schedule at the hospital tomorrow. How about next week?” Darby blinked as she looked up and a shard of guilt and disappointment sliced through Avery.

  Next week? What about now?

  No. She’d have to try her best to be patient. Besides, she’d pushed Darby and clearly the nurse wasn’t ready to explore getting into another relationship. But damn it, Avery felt like a kid in a candy shop, ready to dive feet first into this new aspect of her sexuality.

  “Next week will work for me,” Avery said, trying not to let her disappointment show. “And I’m sorry about…today. I got carried away.”

  Darby finally smiled. “Understandable.” She penciled the date and time on an appointment card and pushed it through the window. “See you then.”

  Avery tucked the card into her purse and, still confused, walked out the door. How could Darby be so cool after what had just happened between them? It hadn’t been clinical. It had been real. Avery would have sworn it. They’d connected. Like lovers.

  And strangely enough, for the first time in her sexual history, Avery wasn’t closing her eyes to shut out the real world or grasping at fantasies in order to find release. She’d longed to touch and be touched, to kiss and be kissed, to lose herself in another’s—no, Darby’s—arms.

  Avery slid into her car and switched on the ignition. Maybe it was time to schedule an emergency appointment with Dr. Milburn.

  * * * * *

  Darby didn’t move until she’d heard the sound of Avery’s car pull out of the driveway.

  It was happening all over again. In spite of everything she’d done to prevent forming some sort of personal relationship with Avery, Darby found herself powerless to resist the other woman.

  Avery had ignited a spark inside Darby that she didn’t want to ignore. It we
nt against every promise she’d made to herself. She needed to be in control. She needed to exert dominance over her patient so she could, at least for those brief moments, experience some sense of being in charge of her own life.

  In the real world, she was at the mercy of the doctors, the senior hospital staff, even government funding. Every day, more and more jobs got cut. Some of her friends had lost their positions or had seen their pay slashed and their benefits dwindle away.

  And then there were her patients on the palliative-care floor. The families all told her how much they appreciated her efforts, but for Darby, making the terminally ill comfortable until the last breath left their bodies was beyond difficult. She could give them morphine or something for anxiety. She could raise their beds or hold their hands but there wasn’t one damn thing she could do to save them. All—all—of her patients died, and she would never get used to it. No matter how many times she heard the characteristic death rattle, she would never become accustomed to the helplessness she felt while watching a human life slip away.

  Her eyes drifted shut and she forced her thoughts away from her job and back to Avery.

  Avery…naked and beautiful and vulnerable, and lying on spread wide on the examining table.

  Darby’s stomach somersaulted over just how quickly the tables of a different kind had turned—at how she’d allowed herself to become the vulnerable one.

  A faltering breath escaped her lips. No more. She clenched her fists. Somehow, she had to stay in control.

  Or she would just have to stop treating Avery.

  * * * * *

  “I don’t know, Dr. Milburn,” Avery said. “I’ve never considered that I might be attracted to women. I thought all this was about my…fetish.” Her voice dropped to a whisper at the word.

  “It’s very possible you’ve been socially conditioned to believe and act out a purely heterosexual lifestyle,” he said. “Have you considered that?”

  Avery huffed a breath. “Are you saying fairy tales are the only things making me like men?”

  “I didn’t say it. You did.”

  Avery stared at the ticking clock. She’d thought she had started therapy to find out why her kinky need for probing had fucked up her last two relationships. Not to find out she might be a lesbian who’d been brainwashed into marrying men. “I’m going to have to think about that.”