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Nurse Lovette Page 6

  Avery’s finger slid inside and Darby rocked her hips in time with the unhurried, deliberate thrusts.

  “Sex feels very different with a woman,” Avery said. “There’s no pressure. No need to perform or to fake anything.”

  “You faked it with your ex?” Darby asked, barely able to form words as the intensity between her legs built.

  “I never came from penetration. I was never aroused beforehand unless I fantasized about the types of things you and I have done together,” Avery confessed.

  She’d experienced confusion, and Darby pitied her for it. She wanted to kiss her and tell her that was all in the past, but the words wouldn’t spill from her lips.

  “But it’s different with you,” Avery continued. “I’m aroused. I want to receive, and before meeting you, I was all about giving. You make me come so easily.”

  Darby gripped Avery’s wrist, holding the fingers tightly inside her while she bucked furiously. “You’re about to make me come,” she ground out as her eyes drifted shut and she allowed the emotion and sensation to swirl together and strike. Her orgasm rolled through her like booming thunder. Sudden. Strong. Startling.

  She cried out, riding the intruding finger until the storm inside her dwindled to a lingering rumble.

  In the afterglow, Darby allowed Avery to hold her. Panic tried to creep in but somehow, Darby tamped it down. Just for now, she would revel in what was happening between them. She needed the physical release. She needed to be loved and touched.

  Maybe Marissa had never really loved her at all, because sex had never felt like this with her. There’d never been this yin-yang exchange that she experienced with Avery. The thought of losing control of this relationship terrified Darby. But now it was done. She’d willingly crossed a line and saw nowhere to go but forward.

  After tomorrow, she would know for sure just how Avery felt about it.

  Chapter Four

  Butterflies flitted in Avery’s tummy as she walked into Nurse Lovette’s office. Everything that had happened between them last night filled Avery with hope and promise. They’d talked long into the night and had made love again and again.

  She’d sensed some sort of change in Darby. An opening that had never been there before. Even though they hadn’t discussed it last night, Avery sensed her lover had been terribly hurt by her breakup.

  All Avery knew was that the other girl’s name had been Marissa and she’d grown tired of the fetish play with Darby. Avery couldn’t imagine it. What had happened between her and Darby was more than just living out kinky fantasies. They’d connected, and for the first time, Avery looked forward to a future where she could share herself with another person.

  Last night had also shown Avery that she’d bought into the fairy tale of a white knight rescuing the damsel in distress. In reality, she’d never been in distress. She’d been conditioned to believe in something that wasn’t right for her. She’d been molded by society. It shocked her now to think how easily she’d followed the herd in chasing the dream of the white picket fence and two-point-five children.

  All along, the little voice inside her had railed against her course, but she’d ignored it. And she hadn’t been able to discern why she’d been so unhappy.

  Until now.

  Making love with Darby had turned on the proverbial light bulb, and now Avery looked at the world in a fresh way that excited her.

  They had both agreed that, during their appointments, they would maintain their professional relationship. Other times, they would explore their relationship, date and see where this could head.

  “Good morning,” Darby said cheerfully as Avery entered the office.

  Avery couldn’t stop the broad smile that spread across her face. “Good morning.”

  “Your room is ready,” Darby told her and led her down the hall to the examination room.

  Avery’s pulse quickened. She didn’t know what was about to happen and the surprise filled her with erotic anticipation. Her first observation was that no drapes had been placed on the examining table.

  “You’ll need to remove all your clothes, step on the stool at the end of the table and bend over.”

  Avery eyed the rolling tray with bulges from several instruments covered by blue paper. Her blood heated and pulsed thickly through her veins at the thought of the pleasure to come.

  “I’ll give you time to undress,” Darby said and then started out the door.

  “But what about the drapes?”

  “You won’t be wearing any drapes today,” Darby said, then closed the door behind her.

  Arousal built as Avery hastily got out of her clothes and stored them in the little cupboard provided. Body quivering, she stepped onto the low stool at the end of the table and bent over, delighting in the rustle of paper beneath her naked breasts and belly.

  Nurse Lovette had inserted the last dilator just before leaving last night and Avery had worn it dutifully for the full half hour. Now, she welcomed whatever invasion Nurse Lovette had to offer. She thrilled in the pleasure-pain and humiliation of having her most private recess prodded, while at the same time being soothed by feminine hands. Or punished.

  She snickered at the memory of submitting to the spanking last night. She’d never asked for such treatment before but something about Darby made her feel safe to explore her darkest fantasies.

  In submission, Avery had found release and freedom. She’d accepted her fetish. She’d let go of the past and had embraced the future. A future that hopefully included Darby.

  The door opened and Darby entered brusquely. She washed her hands and donned her gloves then stepped behind Avery. “I’m going to give you a very thorough rectal examination today. That’s why you were asked to wear the dilators. So that this exam would be more…comfortable.”

  Avery’s clit already pulsed as quickly as her beating heart.

  “Spread your legs. I’m going to perform a manual exam first.”

  Swallowing thickly, Avery inched her bare feet apart until her toes curled around the edges of the step stool. She breathed in the familiar, comforting scent of alcohol as she listened to the squirt of lubricant onto Nurse Lovette’s fingers.

  One cool digit pressed against her rosette and pushed inside.

  Avery moaned as her bottom accepted the welcome intrusion. The finger pushed all the way in and then withdrew.

  “Two fingers this time,” Nurse Lovette warned.

  As promised, two slender fingers probed her, reaching far in, wiggling to entice and excite.

  But just as Avery adjusted to the fullness, the fingers withdrew. “Now, I’m going to have a look inside your rectum.”

  The gloves popped as she removed them before donning a fresh pair. “I’m going to insert a small speculum to see if you’re ready for an anal ultrasound. It shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.”

  Instruments clattered on the table and again Avery listened to the squishy sound of the lube being squirted from the tube.

  “Take a deep breath,” the nurse instructed.

  Avery closed her eyes and inhaled, trying to not jerk when she felt the cold metal against her opening. It breached her rim and slid slowly inside. One inch. Two. Three. Avery’s heart pounded so hard she feared it would beat its way out of her chest. Her fists clenched. God, it felt so good, so smooth.

  She heard a popping sound as the speculum opened, spreading her wider. Her bottom strained around the intrusion.

  “Just as I thought,” the nurse said as she gently removed the device. “In order for me to insert the rather large ultrasound wand, you’re going to need an enema.”

  Avery’s head shot up and around. “A what?” She hadn’t expected this.

  “Why don’t you hop up on the table while I fill the bag. Bottom up, head down.” Already Nurse Lovette was removing a big, red enema bag from a drawer. The nozzle along with it was like no other Avery had ever seen. It looked more like a butt plug. Tapered at one end and shaped to fit snugly inside.

nbsp; “I’ve never taken an enema before,” Avery said, her voice squeaking. Real terror heightened her awareness. She didn’t add that she’d been curious about it.

  “I think you’ll find it refreshing. I’m going to fill your bottom with warm water and then let you go into the restroom to expel it. It’s not painful. But it can be very intense. Even to the point of bringing you to orgasm,” Nurse Lovette said, testing the heat of the water and letting it gurgle from the spout into the bag.

  Avery watched the bag swell bigger and bigger.

  “Trust me,” Darby said. “I promise you will enjoy it.”

  Shaking, Avery climbed onto the table and took her position. Nurse Lovette screwed the tubing to the bag, flipped it upside down then hung it on a high IV pole.

  “I’ll talk you through this,” the nurse said as she liberally coated the nozzle with lube.

  It slid inside easily enough, feeling as good as the speculum and fingers that had already probed her. Avery moaned as fingers teased her slick pussy lips.

  “The trick is to let the water trickle in slowly and for you to hold it as long as you can. Are you ready?” Darby asked.

  Enough… “Yes.”

  “Tell me what you’re ready for.”

  “My…my enema.” Avery could scarcely breathe as she heard a click—and then felt the warm water flow into her bottom.

  Her legs shook uncontrollably.

  “Relax,” Darby said, stepping to her side to take one of her breasts in hand.

  Avery let out a ragged breath as Darby pinched and tugged the nipple. More and more water filled Avery’s bottom, reaching far into her belly, warming her from the inside out.

  Darby was right. It did feel good. Amazingly good.

  A whimper escaped Avery’s lips as Darby began to massage her clit. Something primal consumed her and Avery rolled her hips. Sensation inundated her. The fullness, the submission, the pull on her nipple and the pressure on her clit.

  “Oh fuck, yes!” she cried, amazed at how quickly her arousal crested.

  Her orgasm was intense and surprising, a crazy mixture of the height of pleasure and the contrasting depth of submission and carnal humiliation. Physical need.

  Moaning, she gritted her teeth, trying to take more, to please Nurse Lovette. But she couldn’t. She was too full. She had to release the water. “I can’t take any more. Please.”

  Quickly, Nurse Lovette clicked the valve shut. “Step down from the table.”

  Avery took the nurse’s hand and allowed her to help her off the table and into the bathroom. “There’s a washcloth for you to clean up with afterward,” Nurse Lovette said, and then with a quick pop, she dislodged the nozzle and stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Fifteen minutes later, Avery emerged feeling refreshed and light. Clean. Her eyes widened at the sight that beheld her.

  A second full bag hanging from the IV pole.

  Nurse Lovette sat on her stool, waving the already-lubricated nozzle. “It takes two strong enemas to get you fully clean. Now come bend over my lap.”

  This time, Avery didn’t hesitate. She padded across the cool tile floor and willingly laid herself across Darby’s lap. She spread her legs and sighed with pleasure as the nozzle invaded her bottom again. The valve clicked open and once more, warm water coursed inside her.

  “That’s a good girl,” Nurse Lovette said as she stroked Avery’s hair with one hand and her pussy with the other. “A very good girl.”

  * * * * *

  “I’ve got to work tomorrow,” Darby said as she walked Avery to the door. “We’ll have to put our next appointment off until next week.”

  “What about tonight? I’d love to cook dinner for you.”

  “That sounds great. Say, seven?” Darby asked.

  “See you then.”

  Darby drew Avery into her arms and kissed her, teasing her tongue across the soft lips and slipping it inside when they opened for her.

  “I enjoyed today’s appointment,” Avery said when they ended their kiss.

  “Me too.”

  Avery flashed a smile and left. Darby watched her climb into her car and pull out of the driveway before she moved away from the door. She breathed in and then exhaled, excited about the promise of a new relationship.

  She whirled and had started back toward her examination room to straighten up when she heard the door open behind her. “Did you forget something?” she called as she turned—but her breath froze in her chest when she saw who’d come in.

  “I made a mistake, Darby,” Marissa said.

  Stunned, Darby stared. Marissa’s auburn hair was shorter. She’d lost a few pounds.

  Darby was shocked at her reaction. She’d thought she would immediately run into her ex-lover’s arms and beg her forgiveness even though she’d really done nothing wrong. She’d waited for months to hear these very words but during that time, she hadn’t received as much as a text message or an email.

  Anger flared. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Why’d you come here? Did your new nurse dump you or did you just get tired of her too?”

  Marissa walked in and dropped her purse on one of the waiting room chairs. “It doesn’t look like you had any trouble moving on. I saw her leaving. Pretty.”

  Shaking, Darby remained silent. Confusion flooded her and she hoped it didn’t show on her face. Marissa’s leaving had devastated her.

  “How’d you meet your new patient?” Marissa asked, sitting and thumbing through a magazine.

  Darby fought to breathe. “What are you doing here?”

  Marissa’s lips bloomed into a provocative smile. “I came to see if you could take a walk-in.”

  Everything inside Darby screamed at her to take Marissa into the examination room and relive their past glories—but something in her heart prevented her from saying the words. What about Avery? What about the connection they’d made? Thus far, it seemed as if it could evolve into something real, something beyond the nurse-and-patient relationship they enjoyed.

  Marissa had been all about taking. All about receiving. She’d wanted more and more, kinkier and kinkier. She’d never been satisfied with anything, always looking for the new. Go, see, do. That had been her motto.

  She’d never been content just to snuggle in and have a glass of wine and dinner while watching a movie. She’d wanted to live on the ragged edge and push to frightening limits. She’d wanted to do things that had made Darby uncomfortable.

  “No, Marissa, I can’t.” Just uttering the words caused a bold upsurge of accomplishment to unfurl inside Darby.

  “You can’t?” Marissa’s bottom lip protruded. “Why not? Do you have plans? Somewhere to go?”

  “No. No plans. Nowhere to go. I just don’t want to,” Darby told her.

  “But we were so good together.”

  Darby shook her head. “I’m sorry, Marissa. I don’t want to get involved with you again.” She couldn’t believe the words spilling from her lips.

  Marissa shot to her feet. “I don’t know why I came back here. You always were such a fucking pussy.”

  “That’s it. Leave.” Darby couldn’t believe she wasn’t even angry. The hurt had miraculously vanished, and whether she and Avery had a chance for a future relationship seemed beside the point. Darby didn’t want what Marissa had to offer, nor was Darby willing to settle for less than she deserved.

  Marissa snatched her purse and stormed out. Only then did Darby release the breath she’d been holding. A sense of relief and inner strength inundated her as she closed and locked the door.

  The past was just that. The past.

  And she’d just let hers go.

  * * * * *

  “Marissa?” Avery asked as she passed Darby a glass of wine. Fear struck that their relationship had ended before it even had a chance to begin. “She just came to your house?” Terror that Darby was here to let her down easy swamped Avery.

  Darby nodded and sipped her wine. “I told her to leave.

  The tension in Avery’s shoulders relaxed as she poured her own full glass.

  “I realized something…last night when we were together,” Darby said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen between us but I’m open to exploring it. I want to explore it. But have you considered everything entailed with being involved with a woman? I mean, you have a job where being a lesbian might cause trouble for you.”

  “I’ve been tenured for a while now,” Avery joked. “And yes, I’ve considered how my family and friends will react but this is worth it to me. You’re worth it.”

  Darby smiled. “I think we could really have something together, Avery. When Marissa came in today, I realized what she and I had was never real. She never loved me. She loved how I made her look and feel about herself.”

  “I totally get that. One of my husbands was like that. He’d even lay out which jewelry I was supposed to wear to places like his high school reunion or his office Christmas party.”

  “I guess that makes us a couple of trophies.”

  Avery laughed, Julia Roberts-style. Darby loved the genuine sound of it. She laced her fingers with Avery’s. “I’m ready for something real.”

  “Me too,” Avery said wistfully.

  Darby blinked against the surprising tears that rimmed her eyes. “I thought my need to be a…nurse…was real. I thought it defined me—until you came along and I discovered it was just a part of many things that define who I am.”

  “I thought the same thing about my fantasies. I thought something was wrong with me and I thought if I could just get to the bottom of it, discover where it came from, I could get over it and live a normal life with a normal man,” Avery admitted.

  “Guess I sort of derailed that plan,” Darby said.

  “I’ll say. But it’s a good thing. A really good thing. And I’m looking forward to getting to know you—both in the examination room and out of it.”

  Darby searched Avery’s hazel eyes, discovering hope and desire in their depths. “Me too,” she whispered, and brushed her lips across Avery’s. Tasting, discovering, slipping past that shadowed part of herself she’d hidden in a closet to cast a light on a future where they might both find a happily ever after.