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Purr Page 6

  The komtesse lifted Giselle’s tail, the dowel pulling so that she rose onto her tiptoes. “Prepare yourself for a very thorough punishment, naughty pussy.”

  Giselle’s blood rushed, pounding in her ears. This time, there were no soft swats with the fur side of the paddle. The komtesse began immediately with the leather side. Blow after stinging blow caused Giselle’s bottom to blaze.

  The invisible thread between pain and pleasure connected and, with it, a calming peace flowed through Giselle’s being, leaving behind nothing but the heady throb of sensation on her abused flesh.

  When the komtesse finally pushed her away, the aristocrat stood, panting and perspiring from the effort. “Lie down at the foot of the bed. That’s where you’ll sleep tonight.”

  No orgasm? Giselle’s lips parted. She’d never been beckoned to the komtesse’s chamber before and not been rewarded sexually.

  As the komtesse padded off to the bathing room, Giselle climbed onto the bed and lay down, pulling her knees up to her chest. Hot tears stung her eyes and she swiped them away with her mittens.

  Now more than ever, she knew she had to get away from this place.

  * * * * *

  Arabella tossed and turned on her narrow bed. Exhaustion had set in long ago but she couldn’t manage to sleep. Her brain would not stop spinning with images of what had happened between her and Giselle.

  This attraction could prove very dangerous and yet she couldn’t have prevented herself from touching the voluptuous curves. She inhaled deeply. The velvet petals opening to the wet softness within.

  “Oh God,” she whispered into the darkness.

  A soft knock came on her door. “Arabella, get up. You are needed in the preparation room.” It was Helga’s voice.

  Terror swamped her that she’d been found out and would be reprimanded. Apprehensive, she opened her door to find Helga standing outside with a candle. “No need to change. Follow me.”

  Arabella’s pulse accelerated with every step as she trailed behind Helga. Would the komtesse be waiting, ready to send her packing for violating the rules? Arabella tried to swallow but couldn’t. She never should have touched Giselle intimately but, God in heaven, she hadn’t been able to stop herself.

  A small gray cat darted from the dimly lit preparation room as they approached.

  “Be quick. Do not tarry. And I trust you will return to your room as soon as you are finished,” Helga instructed.

  “Finished?” Confusion struck until Arabella saw Giselle lying facedown on the table. Even in the low light of a single candle, Arabella could see the kitten’s bottom was striped with angry red welts.

  “Why me?” Arabella asked, not realizing she’d uttered the word aloud until Helga responded.

  “As the newest attendant, you are the one summoned if aid is required outside your usual duties. Now be quick.”

  Helga whirled and left as Arabella rushed into the room. “God in heaven,” she whispered. “What has she done to you?”

  Giselle’s shoulders shook with a sob.

  Arabella’s heart twisted. She stroked the soft locks of brunette hair. “Why? Was it because I…because…”

  “No,” Giselle said bleakly. She drew in a faltering breath. “She can be a harsh mistress.”

  Arabella found herself reluctant to leave the girl’s side but she had to retrieve the salve. Dread trickled through her that Giselle might leave Katzenhalle. “W-what are you going to do?”

  “Do?” Giselle asked. “There’s nothing I can do.”

  Arabella removed the lid from the salve and coated her fingers with it. “You could…leave.”

  Giselle snorted derisively. “No one just leaves Katzenhalle.”


  “Lies. All lies.”

  Arabella gently treated the welts with the salve as Giselle continued. “I’ve been around the komtesse enough to learn what really happens when someone leaves the villa.”

  The look that flashed in the kitten’s eyes sparked a shard of fear in Arabella. “I don’t understand,” she said as she wiped the salve from her hands with a towel.

  “The hillside beyond the gardens is filled with the graves of women who’ve displeased the komtesse.”

  Denial swelled like a wave in her chest. Graves? Somehow, Arabella couldn’t picture the komtesse killing anyone. To be certain, the woman had dark appetites but…murder?

  As she removed the kitten costume, Arabella tried to absorb this new view of the place she’d come to see as her sanctuary. She didn’t want to believe it. Why would the komtesse do such a thing? But then, Arabella remembered how she’d been brought here. In chains, like chattel. She inhaled sharply.

  Perhaps it was true. But what could be done?

  More specifically, what could she do?

  Giselle moved onto her side and brought one knee up so the tail plug could be dislodged. As Arabella gripped the base of the dowel, their gazes met.

  Giselle smiled sadly but didn’t request more as Arabella removed the tail and began to clean it. Afterward, Giselle sat. “I wish I could escape.”

  Arabella remained silent.

  “I was sent here against my will,” Giselle explained. “My stepmother told my father she was arranging for me to visit the spa in Bad Kissingen. Instead I was brought here, and not allowed to even pen him a letter to let him know I had not been killed in a highway robbery.” She blinked against tears brimming in her eyes.

  Arabella put the tail aside and thumbed a strand of the kitten’s hair behind her ear. She’d intended it as a gesture of comfort but the touch conveyed so much more. “How long have you been here?”

  “I’ve lost track of the time,” Giselle said. “But I’ve been here long enough to become jaded. Long enough to learn that something wicked dwells inside me.”

  “There’s nothing wicked about you.”

  Giselle swatted at the tears dampening her cheeks. “I willingly submit to punishment, even provoke it from the komtesse, just to receive the pleasure she offers.”

  “There is nothing wrong with desiring another’s touch.”

  “Is that why you were brought here?” Giselle asked.

  “My parents died when I was young and I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. Despite everything I was told, I couldn’t help the fact that I found women beautiful…in a sexual way.” Even now, Arabella could not keep her gaze from wandering over Giselle’s comely curves.

  “You were caught with another woman?”

  “I was caught kissing another woman.” Arabella glanced at the full lips she’d fantasized about kissing so many times.

  Giselle dampened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I’ve never kissed a girl before.”

  “Not even the komtesse?” The idea of that struck a chord of jealousy in Arabella.

  “She forbids it.”

  Struggling against the urge to share a kiss, Arabella swallowed thickly. Uncertainty rendered her unable to move or speak.

  Giselle eased off the table. “Pull up your night rail.”


  The kitten released a soft chuckle as she sank to her knees and skimmed her palms up each of Arabella’s legs. “I am indebted to you for what you did for me earlier. Allow me to repay you.”

  Arabella didn’t have time to speak as Giselle bunched up the fabric and latched onto her clitoris. A warm tongue explored her folds, knowing just where to linger, just how to flick. Arabella had never experienced anything that felt so good in her life.

  Hands cupped her bottom, drawing her closer, coaxing her to spread and tuck in order to open herself to the inquisitive mouth. Hot breaths ignited the tender flesh before lips enclosed Arabella’s pearl and began to suck. A fingertip nudged against her nether hole and Arabella could do nothing but hold Giselle’s head captive between her legs.

  Sexual intoxication inundated Arabella. Her stomach seized taut when her gaze fell on the beautiful sight of Giselle’s face as she licked and kissed. Sooty lashes framed h
er closed eyes. Her mussed hair looked like a wild, erotic mess. More enchanting than the sight, however, was the sensation of a warm mouth on Arabella’s cunny. She spread her legs to admit the prodding finger at her behind. A push propelled it past her rim and inside.

  Arabella bit her lip to avoid crying out from the intense pleasure. Sensation built and budded and she struggled to stay on her feet. She gripped the edge of the table and clung to keep from falling as rapture detonated, consuming her in its power. Her breath caught in her chest as she surrendered to the overwhelming wonder of finding pleasure at another’s touch.

  Giselle lightly nipped the inside of Arabella’s thigh before standing. Her lips glistened and her eyes gleamed.

  Arabella gaped, stunned by the bliss still pulsing through her loins—and by Giselle’s naked beauty. All Arabella wanted to do was draw the woman into her arms and hold her while she peppered her with kisses from head to toe.

  As she moved to do just that, Giselle seized Arabella’s shoulders and whispered in her ear. “Think about escape. If you want to leave here, let me know. Together, we can get out.”

  “Arabella? Are you finished?” Helga’s voice sounded from the next room.

  Giselle released her and fled out the door before Arabella could respond.


  Arabella stared at the spot where she’d last seen Giselle.

  “Clean up and get back to bed,” Helga said upon finding Arabella still in the preparation room.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Arabella replied, dipping into a quick curtsy. But as she put away the kitten costume and cleaned her table, she could not stop imagining what a life outside the walls would entail—a life with Giselle.

  * * * * *

  Giselle didn’t stop until she’d arrived at her room. Sickening guilt roiled in her gut. The girl genuinely liked her. She closed her eyes and inhaled, breathing in the scent of Arabella’s sex that still lingered on her lips and hands. Giving the woman release had caused a stirring in Giselle for which she’d not been prepared.

  For the first time, she’d felt the true desire to give pleasure to another. Granted, she’d sought to tempt the girl into helping her. Giselle had learned that her beauty and sexual ability could be used to manipulate others. Thus far, she’d used her weapons as such.

  But what she’d done with the guileless girl had left her confused and remorseful. She tamped down the unwelcome feelings and resolved to stay the course and escape Katzenhalle—whatever the price.

  Not bothering to don her nightgown, she climbed into bed. The komtesse had awakened her to deliver another punishment more devastating than the first. Her rough treatment had given Giselle the perfect opportunity to appear the victim. Her entreaty to escape could not have been played to more sympathetic ears. But Giselle had not expected to feel such self-reproach. She had no intention of doing anything with the hapless attendant once she was safely back in France. Perhaps her father could offer the girl a position or give her a reward. But even the thought of easing her conscience with money brought Giselle little succor.

  Arabella was clearly infatuated with her. Giselle could see it in her eyes. That made seducing her all the worse. Giselle had thought she could do what it took to arrange her escape with no qualms. She touched her tongue to her lips and tasted Arabella’s essence again.

  No qualms, indeed.

  Chapter Five

  Arabella felt a strange quivering in her belly when Giselle mounted her table the next day. As she readied the brunette for the den, Arabella’s hands trembled. Perspiration misted her spine and the back of her neck flamed. All she could think about was their exchange the previous evening. And while she found the kitten extraordinarily beautiful, conversing with her had made her that much more alluring.

  She was falling in love with the komtesse’s favorite, and there was nothing Arabella could do to prevent it. Her pulse skittered when she remembered the breathtaking sensuality of Giselle’s mouth kissing her between the legs. In contrast, an ugly streak of jealousy snaked through her at the thought of Giselle bestowing that same pleasure on the komtesse.

  Arabella did not want to share.

  Perhaps escape was their only option.

  When Giselle lifted her bottom to receive her tail, frustration ate at Arabella. She wanted to take her time to explore the tempting cleft but under Helga’s vigilant eye, it proved impossible.

  “Fingers first,” Giselle implored, looking back over her shoulder.

  Arabella lubricated two fingers and eased them into the tight, hot hole. Giselle expelled a quiet breath, inciting Arabella to slowly thrust the fingers in and out. She didn’t dare dawdle though. Helga marched down the line, smacking a strap against her palm.

  Attempting to appear industrious, Arabella withdrew her fingers and then pushed the tail dowel securely into place. She finished readying the kitten for the den and as Giselle climbed down from the table, she leaned close. “Did you give any thought to our conversation?”

  Arabella bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know.”

  “Keep your eyes open. You will see.” And with that, she sauntered away with the other kittens.

  After all the kittens had gone, Arabella began tidying her station. Helga approached her, concern evident in her blue eyes. “The komtesse is particularly possessive of her favorites.”

  “Her favorites?” Arabella had tried to appear innocent. She knew she’d failed.

  “There are many temptations at Katzenhalle,” she said. “And it would be impossible to be discreet for very long. Be warned, child.”

  Arabella nodded. Her stomach knotted. This thing with Giselle had to end. It was dangerous. And if what Giselle said was true, it could prove fatal.

  * * * * *

  For the next few days, Arabella was able to maintain her distance from the alluring kitten. And yet the memory of what had happened between them haunted her nights. Every time she recalled those soft lips plying the flesh between her legs, raging need rose hard, setting her nerves on edge. She’d become short with the other attendants, withdrawn. But she’d taken Giselle’s advice to keep her eyes open.

  Soon afterward, whispers began to circulate about two of the kittens—two missing kittens. The komtesse’s lackey, Gudrun, had a strange and frightening gleam in her eye. Giselle had moved to another attendant but never failed to give Arabella a meaningful stare as she passed by.

  As the whispers continued, little by little Arabella lost the feeling of security she’d felt upon arriving at Katzenhalle.

  But finding the time to let Giselle know she was ready to help her escape would be all but impossible.

  * * * * *

  “Good morning,” Helga greeted as the attendants gathered after breakfast. “The komtesse requests your presence in the den—without the kittens, this morning.”

  No one asked questions as they shuffled down the hallway and into the den. Arabella tried to read the faces of the more experienced attendants, but to no avail. She wondered if this would be about the two girls that had disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Some believed they’d made an arrangement with the komtesse to leave. But Giselle’s darker declaration made Arabella question the sudden departure.

  Once everyone was inside, the komtesse swept in and sank into her big chair. An orange tomcat leapt onto her lap. “As you have probably realized,” she began, “two of our kittens have decided to leave us. I am heartbroken over it but that leaves two spots for new kittens in the den.”

  Her hawkish gaze roved over the attendants. “You,” she said, pointing at Karin. “And you.”

  Arabella’s eyes widened when the komtesse pointed at her.

  “Step forward.”

  Knees trembling, Arabella stepped out of the line. She glanced at Karin, who stood smiling proudly.

  “Ah yes, I recall your first day here.” The komtesse’s lurid smile caused a furious blush to infuse Arabella’s cheeks. Her body heated at the memory of the komtesse’s intimate touch.

p; “I could use some new blood in the den.” The way the komtesse eyed Arabella made her uneasy. “Show me that luscious cunny, sweetheart. That’s it. Lift your skirts.”

  Face flaming with humility, Arabella drew up her skirts to reveal her sex. The komtesse traced the tip of her tongue across her lips before she turned to Karin. “And you. Let’s see yours too.”

  Karin didn’t hesitate. She raked up her skirts and proudly displayed her wares, preening for the komtesse.

  “Your name?” the komtesse asked.


  “Karin, would you like to be one of my kittens?”

  “Oh, very much!”

  “Good,” the komtesse said. “And your name again?” Her gaze swiveled to Arabella.

  “I am Arabella, my Mistress.”

  When the komtesse motioned for her to come closer, Arabella crossed the room. The komtesse’s glittering gaze collided with hers as she reached and raked her fingertip through Arabella’s moist folds.

  In spite of everything Giselle had shared with her, a shudder tore through Arabella at the other woman’s touch. This woman held some sort of sexual power over them all that rattled Arabella to the core. She gnawed her bottom lip, desperately wanting to rock her hips toward the taboo touch.

  With a dark chuckle, the komtesse withdrew her finger and slid it between her rouged lips. “Mmm…”

  Arabella trembled so badly she could hardly stay put. The memory of Petra’s ordeal flashed like a nightmare in her head, both titillating and terrifying. Becoming a kitten would make escape far more difficult, for the kittens were watched closely. And yet…

  The promise of slaking the ragged edge of her desire loomed like a beacon from which she couldn’t turn away.

  A more sensible part of her realized she didn’t have a choice in this matter, and intuition told her the komtesse would brook no refusal.

  “What about you, dear? Would you like to be one of my kittens?” the komtesse purred.